
November, month of the Pig

In the solar calendar, the month of the Pig marks the beginning of cosmic ‘winter’ (dongtian 冬天). This applies to the entire world, including tropical and equatorial zones and the southern hemisphere. Here, the four seasons are not viewed in strictly climatic terms.

The Chinese solar month of the Pig begins on November 8th and runs until December 6th.

During this period, the energies of the heavenly stem gui 癸 (yin water) and the earthly branch hai 亥 (Pig) dominate.


In the solar calendar, the month of the Pig marks the beginning of cosmic ‘winter’ (dongtian 冬天). This applies to the entire world, including tropical and equatorial zones and the southern hemisphere. Here, the four seasons are not viewed in strictly climatic terms.

In purely symbolic and theoretical terms, the sign of the Pig has a privileged relationship with the sign of the Tiger. At the same time, it forms a zodiacal triangle with the signs of the Rabbit and the Goat, indicating a harmonious and productive relationship.

On the other hand, the Pig’s relationship with the sign of the Snake is more challenging since the two signs find themselves in a clashing configuration.


In terms of the five Chinese ‘elements’ (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water), Water strongly dominates the energies of the month, as both the heavenly stem and the earthly branch are of the nature of Water. In the use of the Bazi 八字 or Sizhu 四柱 systems for the purposes of prediction, everything depends on whether Water is an element that facilitates or hinders the circulation of qi 气 in the individual’s birth chart.


This November 8th (or November 7th in Europe and America) coincides with the onset of the solar term lidong 立冬, the Beginning of Winter, one of the 24 Solar Terms of the Chinese tradition. In 2016, the 24 Solar Terms became part of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Each solar term lasts for about 15 days.

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